From family company to global player
Anyone who wants to move mountains the way Eckerle has must have a dynamic history behind them characterised by a pioneering spirit, a wealth of inventions, courage and persistence. You can find out more about Eckerle’s history - from the early days to the present - here.
Patent beginnings
At the age of just 20, Otto Eckerle founded his first company in Malsch. During those early years, the company focused on the design and construction of operating materials and specialist equipment used for metal processing.
Patents for motor vehicle carburettor technology and for devices to run motor vehicles on wood gas, petrol or light diesel oil soon followed.
Destruction and new beginnings
The destructive power of the Second World War also affected Eckerle badly. Although the company had begun to develop encouragingly before the war, the bombs that fell in February 1945 destroyed the factory that had only been built three years earlier.
Business operations resumed with the agreement of and support from the Allied Forces, initially in aid workshops, while at the same time work progressed on restoring the destroyed factory
High-powered innovation
During the years of Germany’s “economic miracle”, the innovative phase began - with fundamental developments and patent registrations, especially for the fully compensated external gear pump.
Technical revolution
At the start of the decade, Eckerle designed a completely new internal gear pump with radial and axial compensation, as well as a new burner pump. Thanks to these and other revolutionary developments for industrial and mobile hydraulics, Otto Eckerle began to make a name for himself on the international markets.
The expansion continues
The sister company, GOTEC S.A., was founded in the Swiss town of Sion. Today, Eckerle Industrie-Elektronik obtains central fuel feed systems and electromagnetic piston pumps for a range of applications from its sister firm.
The GOTEC electromagnetic pump - a resounding success for over 50 years.
Pioneer of efficient lighting technology
Eckerle Industrie-Elektronik GmbH is founded - opening up a completely new field of business for the company. The company now also successfully manufactures electronic components for the lighting market. The subsidiary also develops and produces electronics for a wide range of applications.
Hydraulics, the second chapter
Following a failed partnership with a major company, the Hydraulics Division of Eckerle Industrie-Elektronik GmbH was rebuilt.
Serial successes
The Eckerle Hydraulics Division, or EHD, commences series production. With its core product of high-pressure internal gear pumps, it is once again an active player on the global market. The product is successfully used by all of the world’s leading forklift truck manufacturers.
A birthday present of a street
To honour the 90th birthday of the company’s founder, Otto Eckerle, on 8th March, the “Otto Eckerle Strasse” was inaugurated at the company’s headquarters in recognition of Otto’s services to the community of Malsch.
More space for production
Global sales successes allowed the company to continue growing. In October, a new production facility covering 2,000 m2 was inaugurated, significantly increasing the operational area for hydraulics.
Destination China
The world's biggest export market is calling: Eckerle Industrie-Elektronik GmbH expands its foreign business into China. This step was made easier by the fact that a piece of Chinese legislation required the use of energy-saving hydraulic systems - and our “ECKERLE System” internal gear pump is especially suitable for this type of application in servo drives.
Eckerle continues to grow
In December, the company gains a new, 420 m2 production facility at its headquarters in Malsch. Here - in the logistics centre - is where the fully assembled hydraulics systems are stored and prepared for shipping for worldwide consignment sales in no fewer than 74 countries.
Peaks in Germany
Eckerle Industrie-Elektronik GmbH became the market leader for industrial pumps, and specifically for compensated internal gear pumps. The successful mobile hydraulic pumps were expanded with the EIPC3-5-6, EIPH3 and EIPH6 series and deployed with the same success coupled with massive expansion on the global market.
Faster, bigger, better
The demand for Eckerle products is growing across the world. To keep pace with this and to produce more, we are constantly expanding our operational facilities. This also includes the finalisation of plans for a new research and development centre.
Eckerle continues to grow
Construction of the new test building for the Eckerle Hydraulics Division. At the end of last year, final demolition work was completed in the old dispatch area, and construction of the new test building for the Eckerle Hydraulics Division began. The new building is directly adjacent to the existing production facility. The current test building will continue to be used until construction work is completed – this is scheduled for fall of 2017.
Due to advanced product diversification and the company’s international orientation, Eckerle Industrie Elektronik GmbH goes Eckerle Technologies GmbH. Whatever the future may bring – the Eckerle story continues.